Ethical & Environmental Policy
Shine Mount is committed to ensuring a high standard of ethical and environmental trade practices, including the provision of safe working conditions and the protection of workers’ rights, across its business, both here in the UK and in China. Shine Mount manufactures and supplies goods globally in accordance with the provisions of this Code of Ethical Policy (“the Code”) and expects and requires its factories and associated supply chain to observe the Code’s provisions and to demonstrate a similar commitment to an ongoing programme of ensuring and, where necessary, improving, ethical and environmental practices. This Code of Ethical Policy enshrines all principles of the Ethical Trading Initiative and reflects the international standards set out in the International Labour Organisation (ILO) Conventions2.
The Code applies to all areas of Shine Mount’s businesses and to its direct supply chain. We require all our subsidiaries to observe the provisions of this Code and require that such subsidiaries, in turn, obtain similar compliance with its provisions from their Suppliers. All parties to whom this Code applies are required to comply with applicable national and international laws. Where the provisions of this Code afford greater protection than national law, the terms of this Code prevail.
The objectives of the Code are:
- to set out a clear statement of Shine Mount policy, and
- to promote the adoption and improvement of ethical practices globally, and
- to implement effective processes for improvement of trade practices
We recognise that its Suppliers may not be able to achieve all the standards laid out in this Code immediately but is willing to engage with Suppliers who:
- have implemented, or are willing to implement, appropriate and workable processes for raising standards to be compliant with this Code within an agreed period; and
- are able to demonstrate a responsible and transparent approach to their working and general practices; and
- have demonstrated an ongoing commitment to improving working and ethical standards
Environmental Policy
Our Environmental Policy is to be a responsible corporate entity in protecting the environment. We are committed to complying with accepted environmental practices, including the commitment to meet or exceed applicable legal and other requirements, to strive for continual improvement in our environmental management system, and to minimise the creation of waste and pollution. We will, therefore, manage our processes, our materials and our people in order to reduce the environmental impact on our work.
Shine Mount have set out the following main objectives:
- Reduce, reuse and recycle waste and packaging.
- Improve the efficiency of energy usage.
- Constantly review aspects, objectives and targets.
- Understand the requirements of customers, authorities and appropriate agencies.